Golf Academy including driving range and short game area
Local Rules (Golf Canada govern all play)
Golf Canada Rules (Effective January 2019) govern all play except as modified by these Standard Local Rules:
OUT OF BOUNDS – (Rule 18.2) Beyond any boundary fence or boundary line defined by white lines and/or white stakes.
The maintenance area between Holes # 14 and #15 is out of bounds.
A ball crossing out of bounds on the hole being played, crossing a public road and coming to rest in bounds on another hole is out of bounds.
PENALTY AREAS – (Rule 17) Defined by yellow stakes and/or lines. Lateral penalty areas defined by red stakes and/or lines.
DROP ZONES Penalty area on Hole #17. Proceed under (Rule 17.1) or as an extra option, drop a ball in within 3 club-lengths of the drop zone sign.
ALTERNATIVE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE – (Model Local Rule E-5) When a player’s ball has not been found or is known or virtually certain to be out of bounds, rather than proceeding under stroke and distance, for two penalty strokes, the player may take relief by dropping a ball in a relief area that is within 2 club-lengths of the ball reference point and the fairway reference point and that is not nearer the hole. This option may not be used if the player has played a provisional ball or if the original ball has come to rest in a penalty area.
GARDENS – (Rule 16.1) The garden in front of #2 green and the garden between Holes #5 & #6 are no play zones that are treated as abnormal course conditions. If it is known or virtually certain that the ball lies in the no play zone, the player must take free relief by determining the nearest point of complete relief from the spot where the ball lies, or if not found, from the spot where the ball last crossed the edge of the no play zone. Free relief must be taken from interference by these no play zones under (Rule 16.1f).
YOUNG TREES – (Rule 16.1) Young trees identified by supporting stakes and ropes or cables are abnormal course conditions in no play zones. If a player's ball lies on or touches such tree or if such tree or any of its supporting stakes, ropes or cables, interferes with a player’s stance or the area of their intended swing, the player must take free relief under (Rule 16.1f).
POWER LINE If it is known or virtually certain that a player’s ball hit the power line, the pole or the wire supporting the power line during the play of Hole # 7, the stroke does not count. The player must play a ball without penalty from where the previous stroke was made under (Rule 14.6).
DITCHES The portions of the ditches along the right side of Holes # 10 & 11 that are not out of bounds are neither penalty areas nor are they obstructions. If a player’s ball comes to rest in bounds in one of these ditches, the player must play the ball as it lies or for one penalty stroke declare the ball unplayable under (Rule 19). Should an abnormal course condition such as temporary water exist in these ditches, the player may take free relief under (Rule 16.1).
IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS Roads, cart paths, irrigation sprinkler heads and control boxes, yardage markers and wooden or stone retaining wall or steps are abnormal course conditions. The player may take free relief under (Rule 16.1) anywhere on the course except when the ball is in a penalty area.
SPRINKLER HEADS Model Local Rule F-5 is in effect for a ball in the General Area cut to fairway height or less - a player may take free relief from an obstruction on the line of play that is within two club lengths of the putting green and within two club lengths of the ball - nearest point of complete relief, no closer to the hole.
TEMPORARY LOCAL RULES: (In effect only when posted)
BUNKERS Disturbed areas in bunkers caused by animals or other golfers are deemed to be ground under repair. If your ball lies in a disturbed area in a bunker, you may play the ball as it lies or lift, clean and drop the ball within one club length of the nearest point of complete relief, not nearer the hole without penalty. The ball must be dropped in the bunker in accordance with Rule 16.1c. Please smooth the sand with your feet when exiting the bunker.
PREFERRED LIES (Winter Rules) When a player’s ball lies in the general area, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in a relief area that is within 6 inches of the original ball’s position and that is not nearer the hole.
AERATION HOLES If a player’s ball lies in or touches an aeration hole in the general area, the player may take relief by dropping a ball in a relief area that is within one club-length of the reference point. It must be in the general area and not nearer the hole. If the ball comes to rest in another aeration hole, the player may take relief again under this local rule. If on the putting green, the player may place a ball at the nearest point of complete relief from the aeration hole. Interference does not exist if the aeration hole interferes with the player’s stance or, on the putting green, on the player’s line of play.
General Area – The entire course except for all penalty areas, all bunkers and the teeing area and putting green of the hole being played. (Rule 2.2a)
Accidental Movement on Putting Green – There is no penalty if the player, opponent or another player in stroke play accidentally moves the player’s ball or ball-marker on the putting green. The ball or ball-marker must be replaced. (Rule 13.1d)
Pace of Play – It is recommended that the player make a stroke in no more than 40 seconds after he or she is able to play without interference of distraction. Ready golf is encouraged in stroke play (Rule 5.6b)